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  3. How to create Watermarks using Foxit PDF SDK (C++)

How to create Watermarks using Foxit PDF SDK (C++)

A watermark is a type of PDF annotation and is widely used in PDF documents. A watermark is a visible embedded overlay on a document consisting of text, a logo, or a copyright notice. The purpose of a watermark is to brand your work and discourage its unauthorized use. Foxit PDF SDK provides APIs to work with watermarks, allowing applications to create, insert, release and remove watermarks.


How to create a text watermark and insert it into the first page

#include "include/common/fs_common.h"
#include "include/pdf/fs_pdfdoc.h"
#include "include/pdf/fs_pdfpage.h"
#include "include/pdf/fs_watermark.h"
using namespace foxit;
using namespace foxit::common;
using foxit::common::Library;
using namespace pdf;
// Assuming PDFDoc doc has been loaded.
WatermarkSettings settings;
settings.flags = WatermarkSettings::e_FlagASPageContents | WatermarkSettings::e_FlagOnTop;
settings.offset_x = 0;
settings.offset_y = 0;
settings.opacity = 90;
settings.position = common::e_PosTopRight;
settings.rotation = -45.f;
settings.scale_x = 1.f;
settings.scale_y = 1.f;
WatermarkTextProperties text_properties;
text_properties.alignment = CommonDefines::e_AlignmentCenter;
text_properties.color = 0xF68C21;
text_properties.font_style = WatermarkTextProperties::e_FontStyleNormal;
text_properties.line_space = 1;
text_properties.font_size = 12.f;
text_properties.font = Font(Font::e_StdIDTimesB);
Watermark watermark(doc, L"Foxit PDF SDK\nwww.foxitsoftware.com", text_properties, settings);
// Save document to file

How to create an image watermark and insert it into the first page

#include "include/common/fs_common.h"
#include "include/pdf/fs_pdfdoc.h"
#include "include/pdf/fs_pdfpage.h"
#include "include/pdf/fs_watermark.h"
using namespace foxit;
using namespace foxit::common;
using foxit::common::Library;
using namespace pdf;
// Assuming PDFDoc doc has been loaded.
WatermarkSettings settings;
settings.flags = WatermarkSettings::e_FlagASPageContents | WatermarkSettings::e_FlagOnTop;
settings.offset_x = 0.f;
settings.offset_y = 0.f;
settings.opacity = 20;
settings.position = common::e_PosCenter;
settings.rotation = 0.0f;
Image image(image_file);
Bitmap bitmap = image.GetFrameBitmap(0);
settings.scale_x = page.GetWidth() * 0.618f / bitmap.GetWidth();
settings.scale_y = settings.scale_x;
Watermark watermark(doc, image, 0, settings);
// Save document to file.

How to remove all watermarks from a page

#include "include/common/fs_common.h"
#include "include/pdf/fs_pdfdoc.h"
#include "include/pdf/fs_pdfpage.h"
using namespace foxit;
using namespace foxit::common;
using foxit::common::Library;
using namespace pdf;
// Assuming PDFPage page has been loaded and parsed.
// Save document to file
Updated on October 23, 2019

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