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  3. How to Customize Language Resources with Foxit PDF SDK for Web

How to Customize Language Resources with Foxit PDF SDK for Web


Assume you have an assets/in your website root directory, where you will configure the language resources. Let’s call this path as websiteRoot/assets/.


  1. Copy lib/locals inside the SDK to websiteRoot/assets/.
  2. Set up the I18N path for loading resources.
    new UIExtension.PDFUI({
        i18n: {
            absolutePath: 'websiteRoot/assets/locals'
        // the other options...
  3. Add more languages
    Create a new folder in websiteRoot/assets/locals. The folder name should follow the language codes standard, such as zh-CN for Chinese. And then new a file, name it as ui_.json and then translate the entries to your language. You can find the English resources inside the SDK package.
  4. Set up default language
    new UIExtension.PDFUI({
        i18n: {
            absolutePath: `websiteRoot/assets/locals`,
            lng: 'zh-CN'
        }// the other options

Verify the configuration in a developer environment

  1. Clear your browser caches to ensure the latest I18N resources will be loaded.
  2. Refresh your browser, open the Network panel in DevTools,and check if the ui_.json request URL points your custom language path. If yes, then you’re all set!
Updated on October 12, 2020

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