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What is the difference between DLL and CPDLL?

In version 16 of Foxit Quick PDF Library, you might have noticed that there is a new DLL called CPDLL in your download package. What does that mean? We’ve seem some users asking about the CPDLL. Here are the key differences and news about this new version of library:

As most of our users who own source code licenses are aware, Quick PDF Library was originally built in Delphi. We’ve done a lot of work in the library to offer the robust and full-of-functions QPL you know today. More recently, one of our latest efforts is to have the library packaged and reframed in a second programming language.

C++ Quick PDF Library

We have been working on a C++ version of the library for a while now, and it has been the cornerstone for some of our products. At this point, however, we hadn’t had released it publically. Well, version 16 was the chosen version for us to stabilize and publicly provide this in a packaged DLL.

Differences between CPDLL and DLL

Essentially both DLLs will cover the same functionality and usage, except for the two items listed below:

EMF Format Import not included

The CPDLL does not provide EMF format import functionality. The ImportEMFFromFile and ImportEMFFromStream functions are not supported in the C++ DLL. Good part of the EMF vectors functionality like loading has been fully developed in Delphi and we have decided not to include it in the C++ DLL at this point.

In-built DPLR Renderer

Our own Debenu PDF Library Renderer is one of these efforts that started out with the C++ version of the library. Fully built in the C++ language, this was an external renderer for the Delphi DLL version, but now it is in-built in the C++ version. There is no need to call SetDPLRFileName() and SelectRenderer() if you are using DPLR. For GDI+ and PDFium renderers, the procedure is the same as described in our article “How to use rendering and printing add-on with Foxit Quick PDF Library”.

If you are a C++ developer or your company is developing a C++ application, you should switch to the CPDLL in your project. The setup of your project is the same as the normal DLL as described in the DLL Edition Getting Started Guide.

Updated on March 19, 2019

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