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  3. Getting Started Guide for Foxit Quick PDF Library (ActiveX Edition)

Getting Started Guide for Foxit Quick PDF Library (ActiveX Edition)


After running the installer the DebenuPDFLibraryAX1411.dll and DebenuPDFLibrary64AX1411.dll files will be placed into the ActiveX folder, inside the main installation folder you chose during installation.

The default installation folder is C:\Program Files\Debenu\PDF Library\ActiveX\

Registering the 32-bit ActiveX DLL

Use the regsvr32 command to register Quick PDF Library ActiveX Edition. Open a command prompt with administrator privileges and enter the command:

regsvr32 “C:\Program Files\Debenu\PDF Library\ActiveX\DebenuPDFLibraryAX1411.dll”
Replace the path in the above command with the folder you chose during installation.

For 64-bit Windows, the regsvr32.exe in %systemroot%\SysWOW64\ should be used.

Registering the 64-bit ActiveX DLL

Use the regsvr32 command to register Quick PDF Library ActiveX Edition. Open a command prompt with administrator privileges and enter the command:

regsvr32 “C:\Program Files\Debenu\PDF Library\DebenuPDFLibrary64AX1411.dll”

Replace the path in the above command with the folder you chose during installation.

Class name

The class name of this release of Quick PDF Library ActiveX Edition is: DebenuPDFLibraryAX1411.PDFLibrary

The class name of this release of Quick PDF Library 64-bit ActiveX Edition is: DebenuPDFLibrary64AX1411.PDFLibrary

Instantiating the class

Use the CreateObject or equivalent function in your development environment to create the Quick PDF Library object.

The first function you should call is the UnlockKey function, passing it your license key.

Here is a Visual Basic example:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim PDFLibrary As DebenuPDFLibraryAX1411.PDFLibrary
Set PDFLibrary = CreateObject(“DebenuPDFLibraryAX1411.PDFLibrary”)
If PDFLibrary.UnlockKey(“your license key here”) = 1 Then
Call PDFLibrary.DrawText(100, 500, “Hello from Visual Basic”)
Call PDFLibrary.SaveToFile(“C:\Docs\HelloFromVB.pdf”)
End If
Set PDFLibrary = Nothing
End Sub

Unregistering the ActiveX DLL

Use the regsvr32 /u command to unregister Quick PDF Library ActiveX Edition if necessary.

Please visit the Foxit Quick PDF Library website for news and information:

Updated on March 19, 2019

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