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  3. How to Setup Foxit PDF SDK for Web 7.0 with Microsoft IIS

How to Setup Foxit PDF SDK for Web 7.0 with Microsoft IIS

Microsoft Internet Information Services activation

Any website based on Microsoft’s .NET framework is published under Internet Information Services, the official Windows web server. IIS is available by default in any Windows machine for a while, but it needs to be activated. This article will not go through the activation process. For that, go to Microsoft’s tutorial to enable IIS in your machine before you continue this guide.

Setup Foxit PDF SDK with IIS

To setup the viewer, please follow the steps outlined below, this guide is using Windows 10.

  • Once you have IIS set up and running, go to your Start menu and search for ‘IIS’, you should be able to see ‘Internet Information Service Manager’ application.

Figure 1-1

  • On the IIS Manager Control Panel, click on your device in the top left and select ‘Add New Website’

Figure 1-2

Figure 1-3

  • On the ‘Add Website’ dialog, please add your website detail and browse the content directory to where your Foxit PDF SDK for Web folder is located. Also, select your local IP.

Figure 1-4

Once you have added the details, click on ‘Connect as…’.

  • Select ‘Specific User’ and click on ‘Set…’. In this field, add the local user name of the machine and login password.

Figure 1-5

Figure 1-6

  • All done! Go to http://{{ip}}:{{port}} in your browser and Foxit PDF SDK for Web files will be automatically displayed. To see the full-featured viewer, go to “http://{{ip}}:{{port}}/examples/UIExtension/advanced_webViewer/”

Note: MIME type records

Common MIME types that need to be configured are:

<mimeMap fileExtension = ". wasm" mimeType = "application / wasm" />
<mimeMap fileExtension = ". mem" mimeType = "text / plain" />
<mimeMap fileExtension = ". brotli" mimeType = "application / octet-stream" />
<mimeMap fileExtension = ". json" mimeType = "application / json" />

In the example below, we are using .wasm. Follow the steps below to configure the MIME type:

1. Open the website to be configured with the IIS manager interface:

2. Open the illustrated MIME interface and click Add.

3. Fill in the corresponding extension and type in the added interface, and click OK.

4. It should appear as shown below:

Updated on December 16, 2019

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