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  3. Which programming languages does Foxit Quick PDF Library support?

Which programming languages does Foxit Quick PDF Library support?

Foxit Quick PDF Library is available in 4 different editions:

  • Delphi (DCUs, source code also available)
  • ActiveX
  • DLL
  • LIB
  • Dylib

This means that Foxit Quick PDF Library supports quite a wide range of programming languages. The list below isn’t exhaustive — it simply contains the languages that we’re familiar with and that we know Foxit Quick PDF Library developers are actively building applications with.

  • Delphi
  • Pascal
  • C#
  • Visual FoxPro
  • VBScript
  • VBA
  • Visual Basic
  • Visual Basic .NET
  • JScript
  • PHP
  • Python
  • Perl
  • PowerBASIC
  • PowerBuilder
  • ASP
  • xHarbour

Foxit Quick PDF Library supports many other languages (there is a large number of languages that support either ActiveX components or DLLs), so if you have any languages to add to this list please leave a comment.

Updated on March 27, 2017

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